2011 so far… January has been a quiet month at the centre for groups although due to the snow in December, three groups who were unable to get here have visited and completed their courses in the new school term. Snow once again made travel interesting for the first week back, however since then the weather has turned milder and the Tarn has thawed completely for the first time in nearly 2 months.
King’s Academy from Middlesbrough visited to do their GCSE Geography Controlled Assessment on tourism in the Malhamdale area. The Dark Peak Runners, an adult running group, also used the centre as a base for their annual meet.
Education staff have taken part in FSC wide training for science and geography, including reviews of the GCSE Geography Controlled Assessment and developing Key Stage 4 Science Courses. It also equipped us to deliver the latest national survey from Opal, The Climate survey, to be launched in Spring of this year.
The centre is currently undergoing a full spring clean and painting of our classrooms is underway ready for the next students arriving at the beginning of February.